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Take Down
James Swain
Leading an Inspired Life
Jim Rohn
Shadow Of The Titanic
Andrew Wilson
The New Annotated H. P. Lovecraft
H.P. Lovecraft, Leslie S. Klinger, Alan Moore
The Emperor's Blades
Brian Staveley
Grave Peril
Jim Butcher
Words of Radiance
Brandon Sanderson
Stephen King
Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil
Tom Mueller
You Are Not So Smart: Why You Have Too Many Friends on Facebook, Why Your Memory Is Mostly Fiction, and 46 Other Ways You're Deluding Yourself
David McRaney

The Raw and the Cooked: Adventures of a Roving Gourmand

The Raw and the Cooked: Adventures of a Roving Gourmand - Jim Harrison Harrison has a voracious appetite for three things: the outdoors (ie. hunting), poetry, and cooking and eating obscene amounts of fatty, rich food (mostly of the wild game, organs, and head cheese variety). His writing is assertive and manly -- think Hemingway on the Food Network.

I've known people who can't stand Harrison's books and think he's a pompous arrogant lout. I, on the other hand, love this book and am fascinated by the way Harrison approaches life (and his food) with a profound, unapologetic gusto. I tried his poetry and couldn't get into it but I suppose I more than make up for it with my affinity for this particular book.

This book is definitely not for the faint of heart or those who prefer their food writing more on the Julia Child side of things. If, however, you are more adventurous in spirit and can keep up with the savage passion by which Harrison lives his life and eats his food, then this is for you.